What can we learn with and through the arts?

Talk Code: 
Louise Younie
Author institutions: 
Queen Mary University London


Practical and participatory exploration of arts-based methods in medical education (research)   

Intended outcome 

•             Appreciate art as a reflective mode of communication 

•             Experience different approaches to engagement with the arts in medical education (research)  

•             Appraise strengths and weaknesses of art as educational method (research method)   


•             Interactive presentation  

•             Large group dialogue and feedback 

•             Small group dialogue 

•             Arts-based exercises   

Intended audience

This is primarily aimed at educators because of my in-depth experience in the field, however, much is translatable into the field of arts-based research. There will be opportunity to consider the value/relevance of arts-based approaches in small groups relevant to the working context of individuals.   

Submitted by: 
Louise Younie