Why develop a Primary Palliative Care Research Network?
The current GP work environment provides multiple challenges in the delivery of palliative care for patients in the community. Research in this area is an enduring and strategic priority, but may not be feasible for GPs affected by significant time and resource constraints.
The RCGP / Marie Curie Primary Palliative Care Research Development Day was held at 30 Euston Square on Wednesday 14th December 2016 with the aim of raising the profile of both primary palliative care research and academic general practice. The day was supported by high profile speakers from both palliative care research and general practice. 42 delegates completed a written evaluation, which was analysed alongside notes from the afternoon workshop session.
Motivation to attend the day included finding out about primary palliative care research, (44%), how to get involved (44%), the role of the GP in research (20%) and the integration of research into practice (20%). 85% stated that their objectives were met either “a lot” or “considerably”. 95% would recommend the course to a colleague. GPs have ideas for future primary palliative care research. There is a will to fit this research into busy working days through careful collaboration with clinical colleagues and academic institutions. GPs want to be involved in research that they consider relevant and of value. Access to funding and protected time for research were considered significant barriers.
There is a commitment from GPs to primary palliative care and academic practice in this area. Recommendations from the day are as follows: 1. Supporting a primary palliative care research network 2. Follow-up meetings3. Encouraging involvement in research through the appraisal process4. Lobbying for more research funding for primary care