
submission form and review criteria

Workshops offer a 60 or 90 minute slot to bring people together with shared interests to explore a topic in greater depth. Workshops may have an educational, research or practice-based theme. We welcome innovative topics and formats for workshops. We welcome innovative topics and formats.

This year we have two ‘exploration labs’ available which are particularly suited to workshops. Room 1 seats 60 in theatre style and has a networked laptop available at every seat. Room 2 also seats 60 but is set up around 10 tables for group working each with a PC with a wireless keyboard and mouse linked to a big screen. At the front of the room is a data projector which can either show material from the main computer or mirror any of the 10 big screen attached to the group tables. We encourage workshop submitter to consider how they might use this technology. If anyone has any questions about these facilities they should contact Gary Abel ( Workshops wanting to use either of these rooms should indicate how they expect to use them in their submission.

Please describe your workshop using the following headings:

  • Title
  • Aim and intended outcome / educational objectives
  • Format
  • Content
  • Intended audience (include a maximum number of participants if you wish)
  • Room type preference and indication of how facilities will be used (if applicable)


Points for authors to note:

  • Your workshop must be interactive with plenty of time for discussion
  • Please avoid using presentations as the key feature of the workshop
  • Please limit time spent talking to slides to a maximum of 10 minutes
  • Participants will not sign up in advance so preparatory work by attendees will not be possible

Maximum word count: 450 including title

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